Willy Wonker: Jabin is always pleased to meet a new person. However this time there was a conundrum...
Willy Wonker: Being the last boiled egg in the house and determined to introduce himself, Jabin set to work.
Willy Wonker: Jabin's face dropped as another new person stepped into the room...
Willy Wonker: Desperate to talk to the newcomer, Jabin knew this was time to try out the egg detector...
Willy Wonker: Unfortunately the pickle matrix was all wrong, causing only the egg white to come racing towards th...
l: feel the force!!!!
Willy Wonker: ...but no matter. The sudden rush of egg white had reminded him of his secret emergency stash.
Willy Wonker: After a rather messy and tiring search Jabin readys himself to speak...
Willy Wonker: Jabin never really understood why the newcomer ran, but he was sure that is was because his new too...
Willy Wonker: Colin tests his cloning machine.
Willy Wonker: Unable to restain himself from having his own personal [1 of 2]
the man with no name: f...f....f....freaky !
Willy Wonker: If he could just get his new Jabin clone home, Colins world would be complete.
Willy Wonker: ... Meanwhile nathan has detected a couple of eggs of his own
Willy Wonker: "Run while you can!" they shouted to Jabin, as they pinned the despairing Colin to the wa...
: Johnny B's Good Drivin Skills Again