Random Quote

Photo 37 of 129 from Weezer Weekend


You've reached the personal website and gallery of Colin Rotherham.

Have a look around, read the blog, look at the photos.

For my CV or Portfolio please visit my site here:
colinr.com - portfolio


28th of April 2007 at 16:02

New Server

For the geeks out there... If you can see this message then you're looking at the site running on a new (faster) server.

And as a special treat the photos are all now a little bit crisper, the same size but better quality.

Post By Colin

24th of January 2007 at 14:32

Long time no see

Where does the time go? I've not had chance to update my site or even start finishing work on the new one!

Bearing in mind i've been looking at a place to live and plan a wedding I'd let myself off :)

Post By Colin

1st of November 2006 at 01:33

I'm engaged

This is usually an announcement that other people make for you but as of the 27th October 2006, i'm engaged!

Post By Colin

18th of July 2006 at 09:00

Colin McRae Rally 2.0

Typing 'Colin Rotherham' in on Google brings me to the top spot already but now typing in 'Colin 2.0' even beats Colin McRae Rally 2.0 which used to securely have the top spot!

Moving up in the world in an insignificant way at least.

'Colin 2.0' on Google

'Colin Rotherham' on Google

Post By Colin

15th of July 2006 at 18:19

Finally an update

It's taken a while but after travelling a few hundred miles and then arriving back at my door i've finally got the Newquay pictures on the website.

Almost made a meal out of a mole-hill.

Post By Colin

6th of June 2006 at 17:05

British Summer!

Finally we get a fantastic hot weekend. Too bad I had to drive 300 miles to enjoy it!

About 13 of us (Plus the people who actually invited us) all went to Dorset for the weekend. Beach BBQs, camping and of course good times.

Post By Colin

28th of March 2006 at 17:09

Sigur Ros

Went to see the band Sigur Ros last night with Joe and Jacques. They put on a great performance, the band that is. My back ached all the way through but it was worth it.

If you've never heard of them before they're providing the music for the BBC's Planet Earth natural history TV series

Sigur Ros's Website

BBC's Planet Earth series

Post By Colin

15th of February 2006 at 11:41


Well, I thought i'd officially announce it. Work begins on my new site, codename "colin3-0".

I've been off work all day, having a break for once, chips for lunch, and a spare few minutes to start the new project :).

Post By Colin

18th of December 2005 at 10:33

Kill Your Computer (Or My Server)

I was bored so i made some pages where you can see every single photo on my website at the same time, give it a go.

And since i've spotted people clicking the little index images on the gallery page trying to click through to the photos, it will actually do that now :)

All Thumbnail Images At Once

All Full Size Images At Once

Post By Colin

17th of December 2005 at 20:13

A Faster Future

Hosting bills have gone up again! I'm having to scale back the size of the fullsize images, but that means they'll load quicker and the thumbnails should generate a bit quicker too.

For the geeks... fullsize images, in addition to being slightly lower-res, are now being cached on the server so those of you with super-fast internet connections can see them that little bit faster!

Post By Colin

5th of December 2005 at 17:51

Rare Colin2-0 Merchandise!

Rare limited edition single print Colin2-0.com t-shirt worn once by the nationally renowned Joe Yarrow.

Your only chance to get hold of this fabulous piece of clothing. Truly a collector's item.

Buy Now On eBay!

As Seen On Colin2-0.com

Post By Joseph

20th of November 2005 at 19:28

Wales Weekender

On one hand fun, on the other hand malice... both sides of the fence in this blog entry. Hard to sit in the middle.

A good time though... see the photos, don't try to keep up with the "popular crowd" for too long though before it and its followers snap back at you.

Post By Colin

14th of November 2005 at 18:20

HMV Showcase

Well, here's a fresh blog entry specially for Ioannis. Well done to Lloyd's band for being the best band at the Life Cafe yesterday!

You'll find 3 videos and a few heavily edited photos (otherwise you wouldn't be able to see a thing!) in the gallery. Have a look if you're bothered :).

Post By Colin

14th of November 2005 at 18:20

Just For the Trailers

If you've not been to the cinema lately i'd definately recommend going. So many new films coming out,

Just watching the trailers makes you wonder why on earth you're stuck watching the film you chose. So many good ones on their way.

Coming Soon Films (UGC/Cineworld Cinemas)

Post By Colin

26th of October 2005 at 12:05

In Addition

The messages page too, it's getting overloaded with dodgy innuendos. The recent ones now deleted.

Post By Colin

26th of October 2005 at 12:01

Word Of Warning

Days after introducing the message posting on photos it's pretty clear that certain people can't help but abuse it. If you're going to start putting insulting comments about any of my friends, or anyone in fact, then these will be removed.

Something i don't want to do is make you have to register first before commenting and only let certain people comment. I'll see how it goes.

Post By Colin

19th of October 2005 at 14:12

It's Off To Prague We Go

Also including such legends as Ashley, Joseff, Jacques and of course Naf.

Leaving tomorrow morning and catching our flight at about 2, back Tuesday Eve... Have fun :d


Post By Colin

18th of October 2005 at 18:29

Bug Fixes

Just got rid of a few bugs that might have been annoying you on the gallery pages...

When in "View All" mode, clicking a photo then clicking again no longer puts you back into the page view again, but properly back into "View All" mode. When viewing hundreds of photos in "View All" clicking fullsize then back again will jump you right back to where you were in the long list of photos. Going back and forth after setting the fullsize picture to not fit the screen (actual size) now remembers your choice. THE END

Post By Colin

16th of October 2005 at 18:51

A Nice New Feature

Now you can leave comments on each of the photos, and see the latest comment from thumbnail view :)


Post By Colin

10th of October 2005 at 08:12

And how's that then?

On a side note, in less than a month i've added an extra 1000 photos :S

Post By Colin

10th of October 2005 at 08:09

Well, i think that was good

Think that was the first time i've had 16 people stay at my house, have mum successfully feed 30 people and manage to have an awesome ball when the DJ backs out 2 hours before it's due to start!

Cheers to Naf, Ty, Joe, John & Nathan for getting the music together at the last minute :)

Post By Colin

5th of October 2005 at 08:54

Long time no see

Been pretty quiet recently, hardly had chance to catch up with most of my good mates. Doesn't mean anything isn't happening though.

I managed to miss Ashley's party, possibly the biggest (and best?) event of the year, but looking forward to everyone coming to up mine this weekend though :).

Post By Colin

16th of September 2005 at 20:04

Those Americans?

Wow, time flies... Not so long ago I remember seeing that photo counter hit 4000 photos. Now it's at 5000! Good times.

Oh and it might look like i've posted this message at reasonable time, but just realised my server is American... so add a good 6 hours onto the time 8-)

Post By Colin

13th of September 2005 at 19:50

The "Hardly Ever Post" Blog

The infrequency of these posts can hardly be compared to the number of photos i keep putting on the website. Looking back, there hasn't been a dull month for just about a year.

As well as fireworks with Nathan... Jonica & Mike got married this month, Ashley's got his party planned and then i'm off to Dubai. Can't complain really.

Post By Colin

23rd of August 2005 at 18:09

A Measure of Success?

This site has become so big! Out of courtesy moved myself off my work's servers... and in just the past 20 days you lot have downloaded 5GB of photos and videos.

People are now starting to find my site on google, and in the same period of time i've had over 300 unique visitors visiting a total of 1125 times! That's just since the start of the month. Fantastic.

Post By Colin

7th of August 2005 at 12:55

"My Mama always said, 'Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're gonna get.'"

Well, the video clips are up and running. It's taken a whole lot of work to get them all onto here! Camping was fun at the weekend. Only went for the 2 days though, sun shone as soon as i left.

Dug out some old photos of my Kingdom Hall maintenance day so those are on there too. If you find a video that doesn't work, please tell me.

Quicktime Download Page

Post By Colin

4th of August 2005 at 17:12

Click Here For Gauchers

Since i've got nothing to say really, thought i'd do a bit of meaningless advertising for some of my friend's photo galleries.

They're using flickr. Ah well, can't have everything.

Joe's Photos

and his bro's photos (Phil's)

Post By Colin

28th of July 2005 at 13:11

Bonus Features Ahoy

For all the nerdy ones about, you can now subscribe to the Colin2-0 RSS feed.

If that went over your head, ah well, the day goes on.


Post By Colin

18th of June 2005 at 21:33

Little Update

Check out the gallery page :d

Each section now has a preview photo alongside it. Sorry about the video/sound thing btw, not quite finished yet.

Post By Colin

12th of June 2005 at 12:13

Thanks Heidi!

Just a word of thanks to heidi + parents for a excellent weekend and party.

Had a brill time :d

Post By Colin

5th of June 2005 at 11:49

4000+ Photos

Another milestone reached, 4020 photos!

Post By Colin

5th of June 2005 at 09:15

Coldplay hit Bolton

New to the gallery page are the Coldplay concert photos, they were amazing live :d

Also, footage for the "Fix You" song was filmed there and then, so we get to be in a music video :)

Post By Colin

4th of June 2005 at 13:56

Too many mobiles

I love it when you spot something in a photo you hadn't noticed before.

Craig, Ty & Johnny Beast all tele-texting, and Jacques knows it.

Too Many Mobiles

Post By Colin

4th of June 2005 at 13:09

Another little update

Just added James' photos from saturday's Oasis gig. The support band were the Coral i believe

Post By Colin

4th of June 2005 at 10:18

The Convention etc

Huge update to the number of photos on the site, about another 350 from John's camera. Should make the site a bit more interesting :).

And... i've added a few photos from my convention at the MEN arena. 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July.

Post By Colin

18th of May 2005 at 17:22

I've Got a Car!!

Ta da! Finally got something to drive, i've been car-less since the end of April.

Got the same as before, but with loads of nice extras. And it's a 2.0 litre.. so it matches the site :d

Post By Colin

16th of May 2005 at 12:51

Kings of Leon

Concert was pretty amazing, think i took some of my best photos yet!

Oh, and i'm still car-less, shocking isn't it :( ... i need a car!!


Post By Colin

14th of June 2005 at 12:00

A Small Update

Only two new sections, photos from Emy's party and that weekend (Weezer Weekend), and the Weezer gig itself! Enjoy

Post By Colin

8th of June 2005 at 12:00

Another Big Update

Only going to be brief, but i've added photos from the weekend at Ashley's, Bianca's, Josette's, Jacques' and the trip to Alton Towers, including Nathan's Photos.

Post By Colin

10th of May 2005 at 12:00

What's going on?!

It's been over a month since the last update, i apologise, been a lot going on too. I have been taking photos it's just i've been putting them onto my half finished new site.

For the time being you can get John's photos of our trip to North Wales, including Sian's photos and photos from Newquay.
Oh.. and also the photos from my amazingly bad car crash.... some *not being sexist* female driver smacked into the side of me, flipped my car over!

Post By Colin

5th of April 2005 at 12:00

My Ball!

Even though we lost out on having so many more legendary people, we had a great time.

I've updated the site with about 170 photos from the weekend :D
Check out emy's photos too...

Emy's Photos Here

Post By Colin

29th of March 2005 at 12:00

Easter & Bank Holiday Weekend Special

Went all the way to swansea again with Johnny B, picked up the coat i'd left and then came back again.

Well ok, we did do a lot of fun stuff in between so you can check it out on the photos page... kinda useful these links.
If we look cold in those pics at the sea.. it's cos it was! We got frostbite going in the water. Not good... still fun though.

Post By Colin

17th of March 2005 at 12:00

Make that the next best legendary weekend ever!

In just one week, i have driven 1000 miles in my car! And it was worth every bit of petrol.
Lucy's ball in south wales was amazing, so thanks for that! I also got Heidi's photos on

Back in february we went go karting with work, 2 hours of team based endurance racing, so those pics are now on.
You'll also notice some the "pictures" of the razorlight concert if you can call them that. Sam took them all so they're way blurry

Post By Colin

8th of March 2005 at 12:00

The most legendary weekend ever!

Went to the ball in stafford, added two new photos sections, that's about 100 photos!
It wasn't just the ball that made the weekend, it was seeing everyone again!

I've just realised i'm getting close to having 2000 photos as well! And for those who care... in the past day i've had 420MB of photos viewed, stunning.

Post By Colin

22nd of February 2005 at 12:00

Biggest and best announcement ever full stop

Ok, well i know i've not made an update for days, but i've just put the photos from ty's "LAN" on, same with the ones from that all you can eat chinese meal.
The big announcement though is that the whole site is going to be changing very soon, gonna be next month though. Eventually you're going to be able to rate pictures, comment on them, and maybe even add your own pictures :)

But anyways, it's a long way off yet, so much work to do....Enjoy

Post By Colin

8th of February 2005 at 12:00

The food holiday

Only been back from spain since saturday and already i've driven about 400 miles, nice eh?

Just to avoid the £1000 fine i had to drive all the way back to my house from John's to get car tax, but then picked up some good mates and went for a meal in Birminham (Photos on the way).
As for spain though, was pretty amazing... so much cheap food, so little time. I'm sure i've put on weight. Enjoy the photos.

Post By Colin

24th of January 2005 at 12:00

It's gone!!

Well, this afternoon, at about 1:30pm... i watched as "my" red escort drove off into the distance (as in the end of the road). It's not mine anymore, and as of now i'm carless

Hopefully though, on thursday i'll be picking up a nicer newer honda accord for me to drive... this truly will be "colin 2.0"..... Ooh, and going to spain on saturday.. yes! Just got to make sure i have a car..... need to find a way to cannock for a start, not having any of this train business

Post By Colin

17th of January 2005 at 12:00

Not updated in ages

Well, the old days are over... i've gone and sold my old camera :(
I've got some good memories of that little cam, but i'm sure the new one will serve me even better

On a good note, before i sold the camera i found a fair few pics i'd missed off from the "new years weekend," so you'll have check them out.... Ah yes... I'm going to spain again on the 29th!!
Update, pictures from Ashley & Dave's visit this weekend are on

Post By Colin

6th of January 2005 at 12:00

More and More and More

Ok, well, i just can't stop thinking of improvements to my website.... you'll find that all the latest updates will be in red which should help the regulars

Oh, and maybe a little bit of bad news, not in the slightest really, but it is for me.... I ordered my new camera, specifically so i could get it before the weekend... and the little note i wrote for the parcel guy blew away, so it's not gonna be here 'till saturday. When i'm not here :(

Post By Colin

5th of January 2005 at 12:00

Back to work today

Been busy over the past few days slowly uploading loads and loads of videos to my website... you can finally download them now :)

Anyways, enjoy... no new news to tell i don't think, going to Nathan's this weekend.. should be cool :)

Post By Colin

3rd of January 2005 at 12:00

Brill start to a new year

First of all, i've got to apologise for all those people that couldn't make it, or for other reasons didn't end up coming to stay over the past few days.

Even so, we all had a quality time, i've added my photos from the weekend, heidi's photos, and also some from a meal a lot of us had earlier in december..... Anyways, i've made a much needed update too.... photos now open up in new windows

Post By Colin

29th of December 2004 at 12:00

Baaaaad days

Well, for joe's sake really, i'd best post another update on my website. And probably for some weird kid from some other part of the world that visits this website.

For those who know me, it's not been the best week at all. I won't go into details, but anyhow we had a cool weekend. Loads of people went to iceskating, want to thank everyone for being a good mate, i knew loads of people there.

Post By Colin

13th of December 2004 at 12:00

The end to a cool weekend *sighs*

Had Emily up for this one, and got a small crowd together for a meal on saturday, flipping expensive at that

Well, in fact this weekend went pretty quick, too quick, been thinking too... i'm not going to Newquay. Sorry if that disappoints anyone

Post By Colin

4th of December 2004 at 13:00

Yet another cool update

Thought i'd have a dabble at the inner workings of my little messages page. I've made it show the latest 3 messages underneath the form.

So basically, for all you lazy people with no jobs, you don't even have to click a button!
Update, now added a smileys table to the messages page, for all the smileys you can add.... which you never even knew about

Post By Colin

4th of December 2004 at 12:00

Well another update to add

Now got the Blink 182 photos on, as well as the assembly Ian & Sam got baptised at!

Post By Colin

1st of December 2004 at 12:00

My Life?

Just Thought i'd randomly start talking about my life or something like that... but that would be a pointless blog wouldn't it?

Anyhow, i think the site's pretty much finished in terms of the new design. Finally..... If anyone has any good quotes they want to add to the site though, just drop me an email here

Post By Colin

30th of November 2004 at 12:00

Ashley's Party

The photos from Ashley's party are now on!
Cheers to Emily's mum/dad for having us all to stay too :)

Very rough, only just working "new" website is up and running, give me a day or two and it'll look good once more :-)

Post By Colin

th of Colin at :

Post By


© 2005 Colin Rotherham